First things first, I would like to welcome you to my first blog pertaining to my education. Blogging has proven to be one of the easiest way to learn, view, and understand many new topics through the eyes of another person. I'm Grant. Most students call me Mr. Brashears and every time they do it reminds me that I have future generations relying on me to make it through college. They are my mind's cup of coffee, if you will.
This blog will show you new sides of me as a student striving to be a teacher. The blog itself was an easy set-up experience for me due to the existing blog that I created a couple of years ago to vent some of the greater issues of my life. I love the concept of blogging. It means that my keystrokes are constantly allowing others to view a life in a new way. It may be a way that is unfamiliar, or funny, or sometimes as though you are looking at a mirror as you look at my posts. I hope that what ever way you find yourself viewing my brain soil is helpful in a way that you didn't already have.
My avatar is named Mr. Brashears. I think it is only appropriate to have a fun mascot to grace my page with it's adorable presence. He is a handsome fellow. He looks like me. I'm not short, however. I didn't find the 'make me taller' tab on the web site. If you see one, just leave me a message and I'll have my assistant get back to you at their most convenient time. Until next time, keep those ears open and I'll do the same in return.