Google has made it very clear that it wants to be involved in our lives. That's a good thing. Google doesn't stop creating great ideas, which usually build from a foundation to a skyscraper. Take Google+ as an example. It started as a very similar idea as Facebook, but has now developed into a fully organized concept that is growing in new tools every day. You can access all of you google accounts on it, as well as keep up with all of your friends on live group video chats. The endless capabilities of this site design have proven to outweigh its crepehangers by moving forward and propelling far beyond what Facebook could wish to do in the span of months it took for Google+ to get off the ground. The two are no longer seen as rivals. Google+ is for the "multitasker." Any person can set up an account for Google+ and move their friends instantly into a "circle" for organizing friends. Keeping people separated in terms of status updates and friend requests just reduces the unneeded drama. Oh yea, did I mention that you can do almost anything with Google?

Oh yes, you can also store, edit, and share your photos with Google's Picasa Web Album. Picasa is a free downloadable program that grabs all of your photos (in your personal library), and organizes them by date, place, folder... It can even recognize faces.
Once you tag a person in Picasa, it will recognize that person and tag all of the other photos that that person is in. It proves to be very convenient when you look up photos with friends in the background, or even when you just want to search a name. Probably the best part of Picasa is that it's free. The Second best part about Picasa is that it can remain a private program for you to use, and is only used as a photo share device when you command it to share particular photos. It is a safe and effective way to organize your photos. It organizes them for you!!! You don't have to do a thing. It will recognize all of the information and place it in its proper place without the assistance that many other programs need. (And it's free)
Ya just can't beat free.
These are just two of the many tools that Google has placed on the web for us as users to utilize. We can keep things organized, and better yet, save time for ourselves. Make the most out of Google. Just like any of the other sites that I show you, I encourage you to at least try. If you don't like it, no big deal... It was free in the first place. (unlike free chicken samples at the mall where you run the risk of picking up who knows what.)