I have learned over the past few weeks that fallowing information based blogs doesn't have to be boring. Take, for instance, the Cool Cat Teacher blog as a valid example. I enjoy learning more and more about the developing ideas that she has about her class environment and plans for the future. Her ideas are as fresh as the seafood in Encinitas CA. For those that haven't had fresh fish on the west coast, just know that her ideas are REALLY FRESH.
Let's take a step back though. Our minds are not geared for ideas about our tedious plans for the future, or even about what can be absorbed by reading information. Sometimes we just need to relax and enjoy some "good reads." For this, I will point you in a new direction that I only recently learned about.
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman is by far one of my favorite blogs as of right now. It is a blog about an every day city living woman who has married and moved onto a working ranch in Oklahoma. She makes my days better. Her writing has the ability to brighten any terrible day.

This is just one of the many photos that she shares on her home page (which you can reach by clicking on the Bacon Table Photo). Allowing yourself to enjoy the RSS feeds is a way to keep you up to date on all of the different parts of life that you look forward to. Mine just happens to be the Pioneer Woman.
Follow them. Subscribe. Add them to your RSS feed and stop bouncing from site to site. You can fully enjoy all of your subscriptions by looking into your RSS Feeder. I prefer Google Reader for my own use. Once you catch your stride, you can use this tool to your advantage. Education, work, or just for fun, find a few blogs and watch all of the updates happen in one place, like on your Gmail account. By subscribing to blogs you are allowing yourself to be exposed to new material early on. You are prepared for what comes out of educators mouths. You might even have a very witty, and intellectual comment to add to a conversation. Either way you look at it, you can't lose by viewing. You won't be disappointed.
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